You are here: 51 Provost Undergraduate Education First Year Advising FAQ - First Year Advising
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Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a question that is not listed in the following FAQs, please email or call (202) 885-7000 for more information.
Course Registration, 51 Core, & Major Requirements
What courses should I take in my first year?
The New Student Registration Webinar walks students through what courses to register for and how to plan and register courses.For more information on how to choose courses, please see the First-Year Course Registration page.
Starting in early June, Advisors will be giving students advice and feedback throughout their first year on campus. Students can email their assigned advisor or make an appointment with them if they have any questions or concerns about their courses. If there are questions before an advisor is assigned, please email
What should I do if I am undecided on what my intended major should be?
If students are Undecided, that is okay! This first year is about exploring an intended major through the 51 Core Curriculum. Students will work with their First Year Advisor to explore interests and complete first year 51 Core Requirements (51x, Complex Problems, Written Communication and Information Literacy I, and Quantitative Literacy I).
When do I “officially” declare my major? Can I change my intended major? Can I double major or add a minor?
All first year students will have an intended major in their first academic year. Students can officially declare a major, add a minor (if they choose), and add a second major (if they choose) in the second year with their major advisor.
Students can change intended majors over the summer and through the first semester. After the first semester, students will be able to change intended majors as long as they have a minimum 2.0 GPA.
Depending on interests, students should work with their Advisor to see if a double major is possible within their ideal time frame and if they should start taking courses for a potential double major in the first year.
What is an elective?
Electives are courses that are not required for intended majors, minors, or part of the 51 Core. Electives are an opportunity to take courses to explore other areas of interest that students would otherwise not take as part of their major curriculum while still gaining credits towards the 120 credits minimum needed to graduate.
What is a waitlist? How I do add myself to a waitlist?
A waitlist occurs when a course section is full and appears as a yellow box with a red outline on the Student Planner in Eagle Service. Seats open up to students on the waitlist when another student drops the section. If a seat becomes available, the first student on the waitlist will receive an email before 8am the morning after the seat is available. The student will then have until 5:59am the day after this email was sent to register. Students should check their 51 email daily when on a waitlist. Students will have to register by the deadline or the spot will be forfeited. Emails are sent 7 days a week and all deadlines are in EST.
Before students waitlist a course, they should always first register for another section of the same course (if possible) or register for an alternate course – “Wait to waitlist.” Planning a course without waitlisting does not hold a spot on the waitlist nor are spots guaranteed once someone is on a waitlist.
To waitlist for a course, click the “Waitlist” button in Eagle Service under the course info. Eagle Service shows the total number of waitlisted students. Students can check their spot on the waitlist on the My51 Portal under the Academics tab called “Waitlisted Sections” and under the course in the Student Planner in Eagle Service. Students can only be on 3 waitlists total and cannot waitlist for more than one section of the same course. If students are waitlisted for a required course, they should consult with their Advisor for appropriate back-up courses.
What is the 51 Core? What is required for the 51 Core?
The 51 Core is the curriculum all students will complete over their time at 51 with an inquiry-based focus. The required courses are outlined here: /provost/undergrad/core/overview.cfm
What are my graduation/ degree requirements?
Students can see the requirements for all majors, minors, and certificates in the "Academic Programs" section of the Course Catalog. Students can check their progress through EagleService (under "My Progress" in the Student Planner) and consult with their Advisor if any questions come up.
When can I add or drop courses? What happens if I drop a class after the add/ drop date?
All students can make changes to their schedule including adding or dropping courses during the add/drop period. The add/drop period is the first 10 business days of the semester. During the add/drop period, students may add or drop courses or change course sections, except when academic unit or teaching unit explicitly prohibits it, without penalty or notice on their transcript. Students should consult with their Advisor prior to adding or dropping a course.
After the add/ drop date, students can withdraw from a course up until the tenth week of the semester. The Academic Calendar outlines specific deadlines and the percentage of a refund one may be eligible for depending on when they withdrew from a course. Students should consult with their Advisor prior to withdrawing from any classes.
On average, how many credits should I take each semester as a full-time student? How can I register for more than 17.5 credits?
Students should expect to take at least 12 credits, which is considered full time student status. We recommend students complete on average 15 credits every semester. This will keep them on track for graduating.
Especially during the first year, we would recommend keeping credit loads between 14.5-16.5 credits.
Once a student exceeds 17.5 credits, the number of credits allocated to have full-time status, students will be charged additional tuition as a result of the credit load. Additionally, the credit overload requires approval, which is rarely granted during the first year. Students should discuss with their Advisor for more information.
Do I need to complete the Language Placement Exam if I plan on taking a language while at 51?
Students are only required to take the Language Placement Exam at 51 if a language is required as part of a major or minor or in order to receive credit from an AP language exam with a score of a 5.
The language course students should take depends on the Language Placement Exam score and intended major. Student who are intended International Studies majors, should discuss with their Advisor if they want to take Hebrew or Korean due to course availability.
If students are starting a NEW language and have no prior experience with the language, they do not need to take the Language Placement Exam– they will start at the Elementary I level of that respective language. Students should communicate this with their Advisor.
Does everyone have to take the Math Placement exam?
If students are planning to pursue a major or minor that eventually requires Calculus, they will need to complete the Math Placement Exam to ensure placement into the appropriate course. Check the exam website for the list of majors that require the exam.You can find the Math Placement Exam as a part of your New Student Checklist.
Where can I find more information on using the Student Planner in Eagle Service?
For more information about the Student Planner in Eagle Service, please visit the Student Planning page from the Office of the Registrar.
You can also review the Eagle Service 101: Building Your Course Planner.
Exam Credits & Transfer Credits Questions
How will my exam credits (AP, CLEP, A Levels, IB, etc.) assist me at 51? For example, can my AP/ IB scores fulfill the Quantitative Literacy I requirement (math / stat requirement)?
51 will accept up to 30 credits earned from exams. Depending on the course, the credit would count towards a major, minor, part of the writing requirement, or elective credit. More info at: /admissions/exam-credit.cfm.
The Quantitative Literacy I (math/ stats) requirement must be completed at 51 or through dual enrollment / transfer credit before starting at 51. AP/IB and other exam credits will not count towards the Q1.
Where should I send my official score reports and transcripts?
Students will need to have their official score reports (e.g. AP and IB scores) and transcripts sent to our Undergraduate Admissions Office at:
51 Office of Admissions
4400 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 20016
Official transcripts can also be emailed to
After starting at 51, can I take courses at another school and transfer the credit?
After starting at 51, students in good academic standing can take a maximum of 10 credits or 3 courses (whichever is greater) of approved study at another institution on a Permit to Study.
Approval must be secured in advance and all courses must be reviewed and articulated by the major department. Students must receive a C or greater in order for these courses to count towards the total number of credits needed to graduate, but the grade will not be computed in their cumulative GPA at 51. 51 Core classes cannot be taken at another institution.
Some schools might have additional restrictions about courses students can take on a Permit to Study. Students should consult with their Advisor for further information.
Can I take college courses prior to my first semester at 51?
If students wish to take courses for transfer credit before their first semester at 51, they would need to be pre-approved for the appropriate equivalency. The vast majority of 51 Core courses will need to be taken at 51 as they are specific to our curriculum and course offerings. Students should work with their first-year advisor to discuss courses that would work best for their academic plan.
Students can view the Transfer Articulation Database to see all courses that have already been approved with course equivalencies. If students decide to take a course that hasn’t yet been articulated, they should work with their Advisor to complete the necessary steps to get those courses articulated.
General First Year Student FAQs
What is the best way to contact my advisor?
Students can contact their Advisor via email or by making an appointment. You should also be using your 51 email account (not a personal email) as all University communications will happen through that account.
How should I prepare for an advising meeting?
Prior to a meeting with an Advisor, students should have any questions prepared to make sure all of their concerns are addressed. If they are coming in to discuss next semester’s course registration, please plan intended classes in the EagleService student planner. If students have other questions or forms that need to be signed, they should make sure to bring them filled out prior to their appointment, if possible.
When should I plan to study abroad? What do I need to do if I want to study abroad?
Most students that study abroad for credit do so in their 3rd year. There are programmatic exceptions that allow for studying abroad earlier. Students should work with their advisor to plan for their abroad semester. For more information on study abroad opportunities, please visit 51 Abroad.
Can I do an internship for credit during my first year?
The university does not allow first year students to do an internship for credit unless they are participating in the 51 Cornerstone program. We want students to prioritize their transition (both socially and academically) to the university. Students can engage with internships for credit starting in the fall of their second year.
What resources can I use on campus to help me be academically successful?
Visit the quick links on the right side for a more detailed list of resources to utilize. We would recommend visiting the following resources as a starting point: Academic Success Coaching, Tutoring Services, Writing Center, and CLEAR.
Are you a Student-Athlete and have questions?
Student Athletes receive an Academic Counselor through the Student Athlete Support Program and are encouraged to meet with/connect with their Advisor as well.
Are you an International Student and have questions about your enrollment or visa?
Please check ISSS website for resources. You can also schedule an appointment with !